How confidence might be killing your success

"While moving forward, stumbling blocks are certain. Falling is not the issue; staying down is. Don’t let frustration during the journey keep you from the journey. Remember, the journey is the destination.” 

I journaled this after working on my first group coaching program in 2014. At the time, my business partner and I worked for hours all weekend and produced what seemed like little to no results.

The next day I went at it again, but an onslaught of discouragement, frustration, and doubt flooded my mind. I can still remember the mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion. It was like someone sapped all of my energy.

So, I did the one thing I needed more than anything, SLEEP.  What, you thought I was going to say pray? ☺️  No, I needed to rest so I could actually hear what God might say to me. The next morning as I processed my emotions, God reminded me that my feelings were NORMAL and NECESSARY!  Normal? Ok, I get that. 

But Monica, necessary?  Really?    

Yes, necessary.

When you feel exhaustion, fear, frustration, and any other emotion that tries to discourage you, you are likely operating in your human ability, not God's power. These emotions are often a signal that you need to regroup, maybe go to sleep, and wake up with the resolve to let God lead. 

I love what Paul says in Philippians 2:13  "For it is [not your strength, but it is] God who is effectively at work in you, both to will and to work [that is, strengthening, energizing, and creating in you the longing and the ability to fulfill your purpose] for His good pleasure.

How amazing! If you apply this to your life, you don't have to work to exhaustion to make something happen. You are not responsible for the outcome. When you surrender to His power, you can succeed in His strength!

REAL TALK! When you decide to live outside of your comfort zone and finally embrace your freedom to FLOW, every force of evil WILL wage war against your efforts.

You probably can attest to this,

  • You make up your mind.
  • You refuse to think about the obstacles- money, time, education, support, experience, etc.
  •  You take action, and BAM, as my dad would say, all hell breaks loose; mental resistance, negative emotions, physical name it!

So, how do you keep from being sucked into the vortex of doubt, fear, and negativity? How do you stay in the ring and not forfeit the win?

Ask yourself this question.    

Where is my confidence?

Are you relying on your natural abilities to accomplish supernatural results? Do you realize God's plan for your life has a supernatural impact? There are five questions you can ask to identify where your confidence lies in any situation. You can access them here. Use this guide and the strategies included every time you start feeling emotions, thoughts, or anything that doesn't serve your purpose.  

Answering this one question and applying the strategy outlined in this guide can change the trajectory of your life. I know because I'm living it.

I'll leave you this, while pursuing the John 10:10 life, one that is full and overFLOWing, choose to surrender your strength. Don't let the enemy keep you frustrated in your pursuit.  Stop overworking. Stop losing sleep. Stop forfeiting peace.  Let God's power infuse your soul so you can work smarter and not harder. 


Don't go it alone; join the FLOW Tribe, a free community designed to help you master your mind, maximize your life, and FLOW in your Kingdom purpose.


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